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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Government Shutdown

Our country is deeply in debt and is growing deeper every single day to the tune of 14 trillion dollars as of this post. To put this another way, if you were to save over your lifetime 1.4 million dollars it would take you ten million lifetimes to reach that amount of money. The US Census says that as last year there were 308 million citizens in the United States. If every man, woman and child in the US were to be held responsible for this debt the bill would be over $45000 per person just to get us out of debt. That's right now. Interest on the debt, just like an unpaid account, just keeps going up. You've seen what happens when you max out your credit cards and just pay the minimum? Same thing, the debt grows and anything you throw at it is just eaten. But the sad fact is that as of now, we're not trying to pay down the debt, we're trying to increase the debt amount.

I routinely watch the Sunday morning political shows. I think it's important to know what is happening with our government. Last week the Secretary of the Treasury, Timothy Geithner, was on telling us how incredibly important it is to raise our debt limit. The Democrats and Republicans are both telling us they want to tighten up spending. The question would be, Do you want to tighten before or after your spending spree? Somehow I can't help but feel that if you increase spending 100% and cut back 10% of that number it's not a cut but an overall 90% increase.

I'm a proud Independent, I'm not a Tea Party member, but I do admire some of their principles. Debt isn't good for your family, debt isn't good for our country. That our representatives decided to spend away money they don't have and borrow from my kids and grandkids is rediculous. The American people have routinely said we're worried about the vast amount of debt our country is incurring. It's up to our representatives do fix it, now.

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